Praying God’s Names

C12 North Texas


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Praying God’s Names

September 13, 2020

Are you familiar with the names of God? There is power in calling on the name of the Lord through strategic intercession.

Note Psalm 18:3, which says, “I call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies.”

Also, look at Jeremiah 33:2,3, which reads, “Thus says the LORD who made the earth, the LORD who formed it to establish it, the LORD (YAHWEH) is His name. Call to ME and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”

If we call on the Lord and pray according to His names, He will deliver us. I encourage you to study some of the names of God that follow and, if you have not done so before, begin to practice prayer and intercession that calls unto Him using his specific names, and declares Him as He truly is. For example, when praying at your company, you might pray something like this:

Father in Heaven: You are Adonai, the Supreme Sovereign One who is ruler of this business and the people who are tied to this business. Thank You, El Elyon, that I am a son/daughter of You, the Most High God. You are El Shaddai, the “God of more,” who is more than enough for me, no matter what circumstance we are facing in our business operation. Since You are Jehovah Shalom, I ask in the name of Jesus that You bring Your peace to us now during our challenges and problems. Since You are Jehovah Jireh, please bring Your provision and blessing to us that we might prosper and bring glory to Your name. Jehovah Shammah, we ask you to bring more of your presence to all that we do in our business so that we might rest in You, Jesus, our Prince of Peace. In the name of Yeshua Hamashiac, Jesus, our Messiah, Amen!

The following list has some of the names of God which you can call on anytime, but which are especially helpful and relevant as you enter times of battle, struggle, difficulty, need, fear, or anxiety in your personal life, family, or workplace.

The Names of God

Yahweh – I AM that I AM

Adonai – The Supreme Sovereign One; Ruler

El Elyon – The Most High

El Shaddai – The All-Sufficient One; the God of More/More than Enough

El Roi – The God who sees

Jehovah Jireh – The Lord will provide; The Lord God our Provider

Jehovah Nissi – The Lord is our Banner (Victor, Captain) who goes before us

Jehovah Rapha – The Lord God our Healer; I Am the Lord who heals

Jehovah Sabaoth – The Lord of Hosts; the Lord of the Armies of Heaven

Jehovah Shalom – The Lord God our Peace

Jehovah Shammah – The Lord God our Presence; The Lord who is there

Jehovah Ra-ah – The Lord God our Shepherd

Jehovah Tsidkenu – The Lord God our Righteousness

Yeshua – Salvation/Deliverance; Savior/Deliverer

Yeshua Hamashiac – Jesus the Christ/Messiah

Word Made Flesh – Jesus as described in the Gospel of John, chapter 1

Light of the World – Jesus described in the Gospel of John, chapter 1; 1 John, chapter 1

Alpha and Omega – Greek letters for Jesus (Beginning and End)

Alaph and Tav – Hebrew letters for Jesus (Beginning and End)

The Good Shepherd – Jesus, the One who cares for His own

How incredible that we have access to so many names for God—they paint a wonderful picture of who He is! May God, the Holy Spirit, use these names to open the eyes of our hearts to see His nature for who He truly is. There is great power when we grasp and then declare the name of God that fits each circumstance that we face. This is undoubtedly an excellent weapon for us!

As you do this, you will begin to see who God truly is, and identify with Jesus daily, especially in his role as our Strategic Intercessor (Hebrews 7:25). As you do, God will bring forth great fruit in the various areas where you are interceding, including your company in the marketplace. The battle belongs to the Lord!

So, how do you tie together strategic intercession for your business with your daily business practices? Can intercession have a role in your business life? In my experience, strategic intercession is both pertinent and practical. I have seen two things happen for the corporate team who practices strategic intercession with each other; closer connection with each other and with the Lord.

Here are a few suggestions on how to facilitate strategic intercession in your company.

Pray some of the names of God at your company consistently for one month.

Pray for the “good works of God” to come forth. Pray for God to open the eyes of your heart at your company so that you can see the good works that He has prepared for you to move toward. (Ephesians 2:10)

Pray daily for “His Kingdom come and for His will to be done” at your place of work, and that you will do the things that He has called you to do there.

Pray for the multiplication of the Kingdom of God through your work and the products and services you offer. God loves to multiply His Kingdom!

Pray for the salvation of each person you work with. After one month, ask the Lord how you are to keep praying for them.

Pray for God to open up conversations with clients and vendors you work with, so that you may practice the love of God with them.

Learn to do spiritual warfare. The enemy comes to rob, kill, and destroy, but the Lord and His word are greater than the enemy we face.

Pray for your workplace to become a “house of prayer” and a “house of praise.”

Pray for yourself to be a “living sacrifice,” as declared in Romans 12:1-2.

The time to get started is now! If strategic prayer is an adventure, and God uses it to touch and bless the lives of people by taking them to greater freedom, then what are you waiting for? May God give you the clarity of vision to see that you are called to practice some form of strategic intercession right where God has placed you in the marketplace. You can start by praying the names of God!

Joe Galindo is the Chair for C12 North Texas. Since 2008, Joe has had the pleasure of facilitating forums in North Texas. Contact him at [email protected] or 214-680-0468.

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